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Check out the latest auctions and products below 👀
Plebeian Market sees growth every week, with new merchants setting up stalls and showcasing their products and services. We are grateful to each and every one of you for your ongoing support! Thank you!
Latest Auctions on the Marketplace
MaxisClub - The Halving
Celebrate the next bitcoin epoch with another classic MaxisClub meme!
Isabel Sydow Greeting Cards
Newest Merchants
Depbit - QR Code Kits
Depbit offers an alternative to metal plated backup QR seed. The problem is that metal ones are very expensive and very difficult to make. Generally people don't buy more than one metal backup plate and then it is the only one they keep which isn’t best practices for backing up your seed. With Depbit you can buy 15 plastics QR kits to use and discard them as needed.
In principle, everyone prefers the metal option. But after fighting with the hammer and seeing how easy the plastic one is. Everyone who has tried it has loved it, so try it for yourself!
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Plebeian Market is a commerce platform that supports open trade and communications while helping individuals and merchants transition onto a bitcoin standard.
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Happy Bitcoin Halving! Welcome to Epoch V