Hello fellow plebeians,
You may have heard we have finally got the new Plebeian code into the testing environment.
You can see it here:
Please test it and tell us of any issues in the Telegram group here:
Or if your feeling adventurous tell us on GitHub:
Last week, the guys focused on continuing to improve the platform. They addressed most of the bugs that you guys reported already.
Additionally, we introduced new features for admins to moderate content within their instance (this is IF you have installed it into your own website) and a new 'editor' role with moderation capabilities.
Mohammad is also working on deploying a production environment, which will provide a solid foundation for launching a production instance once we've resolved any remaining bugs during this 'beta' period.
Here is a list of changes made in the repository:
Bug fixes:
Many minor bug fixes too many to list
Major Bug: creating stalls with more than 1 shipping method throw error (https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/issues/351)
Enhancement: dialog manager (https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/issues/350)
Enhancement: hide non-working parts of the ui (https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/issues/349)
Enhancement: publish events, we are just signing (https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/issues/348)
Change v4v text to Community Contribution (https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/issues/345)
New features
feat: Moderation Tools for Admins and Editors (https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/issues/302)
feat: introduce 'editor' role (https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/issues/301)
As always we'd love to hear your thoughts... please test again... create a stall add a product... what do you think? what would you like to see?
Speak to us in the Telegram group here:
Come join us… onward!