Hello fellow plebeians,
Very quick note this week just to keep you in the loop with our progress. Despite fixing lots of bugs the guys have still been really productive with getting some new features and enhancements out too. We’re hoping this will be the last week of testing and we should have cleared the backlog of the main problematic bugz
Anyway this is what the guys achieved last week:
- Nostr deletion [feat: nostr deletion](https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/pull/380)
- External links parsing [feat: external links and fix test publishing events](https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/pull/364)
- Deploy to production [feat: production](https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/pull/358)
- Use node build for deployments [node build for deployments](https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/pull/399)
- Email not required [fix: email not required](https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/pull/398)
- Better detection of new forbidden words
- Handle ill formed nip05 and other validation in urls
- stallId -> stall_id
- Ghost products [fix: stallID -> stall_id, ghost products](https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/pull/389)
- Undefined window when visiting `/p/[userId]` [fix: window is undefined when visiting a /p/[userId]](https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/pull/373)
- Publishing during tests [fix: publishing during tests](https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/pull/369)
- Responsive design improvements [style: responsive and mobile changes](https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian.market/pull/397)
Thats all for now and thank you so much for all your help and support
All the best,